Below you'll find some words former colleagues have been kind enough to share.

These references are also available on my LinkedIn profile.

Justina Blair

Justina is a junior mobile engineer. I worked closely with her at Mettle on the same team where I was front-end lead. I personally mentored Justina and helped her develop her core engineering skills.

I have had the privilege of working closely with Joe, and I can confidently say he is a standout engineer and an invaluable asset to any team. His deep understanding of our systems and ability to communicate them make him an indispensable resource.

Joe consistently impressed me with his efficiency, dedication to work and ability to tackle complex challenges with ease. His attention to detail and ability to anticipate and deliver change has been instrumental in enhancing our mobile app. Joe is a role model for what a senior engineer should be. He strikes the perfect balance between getting the job done and keeping stakeholders updated.

Joe's leadership qualities are equally commendable. He really excels as both a mentor and team player, demonstrating patience and clear communication that have been invaluable in helping me grow as an engineer.

On a personal level, Joe is honestly a pleasure to work with. I have no doubt that his skillset and leadership make him an asset to any organisation fortunate enough to work with him.

Dariusz Kowalski

I worked with Dariusz for many years at Mettle where we built testing strategies, frameworks and implementations together.

Joe is hands down one of the best engineers I've worked with - incredibly efficient and quick, but not sacrificing quality in the process. I've learned quite a bit from him. Joe is a great leader and mentor and it's been (and thankfully still is!) a privilege and pleasure working with him.

Mark Lenser

I worked briefly with Mark on a design systems project, where I assisted him with building a web design system for multiple products.

Joe has deep knowledge and experienced with web and mobile app development. Joe is humble while seeking to produce the best quality products. He is open to feedback and willing to give feedback to others.

I would highly recommend Joe and would gladly work with him again.

Maciek Wojcik

Maciek was my line manager at Mettle. We worked together whilst I was Tecnhical Lead and Lead engineer on the Mettle Web Application.

Joe is a fantastic engineer - capable, thorough and pragmatic. He is an excellent team player - friendly, patient and willing to help. In his role as a tech lead he has effectively led his squad to build the Web App offering from the ground up. Joe has done a great job keeping the key stakeholders updated and consulted as necessary and communicated progress and obstacles clearly. It's been a true pleasure working with him.

Pavel Balint

Pavel was a Technical Lead at Mettle. I worked with Pavel on improving the Mettle's application's onboarding experience, which involved complex state machines.

I had a pleasure to work with Joe at Mettle on same team for period of time. He's great, detail focused mobile engineer. He's always looking for ways to improve processes and make developers' life easier.

I definitely want to work with Joe again on same team.

Rachel Booth

Rachel was Mettle's co-founder and I worked with her as Technical Lead on a squad tasked with bringing Mettle to the Web.

Joe is an outstanding front end developer and I have had the privilege of working with him at Mettle, most noticeably on our web application where Joe was the Technical Lead.

He is hardworking, has great attention to detail, action orientated and a great leader.

It's been an absolute pleasure to work with Joe and I would highly recommend him.

Rich Davis

Rich was CTO at Fantastec where I worked closely alongside him and the CPO on multiple web and native products.

It was a pleasure to work with Joe at Fantastec for nearly 2 years.

Soon after starting, Joe convinced me to replace our homegrown front-end/isomorphic framework with React and next.js. Although I was reluctant, his in depth evaluation of our existing code base and well thought out proof of concept for the new approach persuaded me, and the incredible speed with which he was subsequently able to build features for the first two projects we worked on together more than justified the decision.

Later, Joe moved seamlessly onto our React Native project, and quickly became an expert. Throughout this time Joe was also effectively co-leading our product development efforts, as well as mentoring a small team of more junior developers. Joe is a patient and empathetic team leader, and his professionalism and approachability was appreciated by the whole company.

I'd be delighted to work with Joe again one day and wholeheartedly recommend him to any future employer.

Matt Sewell

Matt was a senior product designer at Bó. I worked with him in a team focussed on retention & engagement. I worked closely with Matt at all stages in the development process particularly around animation design.

Joe was fantastic to work with. His enthusiasm and passion for the Bó app was great and his knowledge of Android and IOS development is second to none.

I’ve teamed with many Front End Developers but Joe worked hard to make sure that design and build were aligned. Going so far as to help push interaction design to the next level.

I would highly recommend Joe to others and hope to work with him again in the future.

Mark Bailey

Mark was Head of Product at Fantastec where we worked together very closely building features and improvements to Fantastec's blockchain-based collectibles product. Mark and I worked on a company-wide product roadmap and strategy and helped the wider team deliver on the vision.

I had the pleasure of working with Joe for just over a year at Fantastec on our Swap app within the product team.

Joe displays strong leadership skills and leads his team by example. He is extremely helpful and encouraging with the more junior members.

He regularly participates in all phases of delivery, and in doing so, is able to considerably speed up the process. He was heavily involved in helping to define the product roadmap for the Swap app.

Joe has a calming presence and is a great asset to have in the team during discovery sessions. His broad development knowledge enables us to quickly determine which ideas are viable.

His approach to development is heavily user-centric and he is more than willing to help suggest solutions to user problems.

Joe regularly runs a variety of technical sessions which help to align the rest of the team and wider business. He is constantly looking for more efficient ways of working within the team and introduced a number of cost saving processes.

I would happily have Joe work in any team I build in the future.

Raman Plaha

Raman is a front-end engineer. I hired and directly managed Raman at Fantastec where we built web and native products together in a small team of front-end and back-end developers.

I really enjoyed my time working with Joe. His knowledge on software development is excellent. I couldn't have asked for a better colleague and senior to work with. During his time at Fantastec, I was able to learn so much from the way Joe approaches technical problems. He's not just a terrific developer, but also shows great leadership skills and management skills. He is hands down the best mentor I have had during my career as a front end developer. I wish Joe all the best in his future endeavours and only hope that we can one day cross paths again.

Jack Hardy

Jack is a full-stack developer. We worked together at Fantastec for a year where Jack and I worked closely together with the rest of our small team to build web and native products. Jack worked mainly on the back-end with myself on the front-end and we worked very closely building features together.

Joe is an excellent frontend developer. He is usually a go-to person for the frontend code base and a fountain of knowledge. Great at researching new tech and sharing his knowledge with the rest of the team.

Jon Vieira

Jon is a product designer. We worked together at Fantastec for 10 months where Jon assisted me with the design and delivery of several products. We fostered a brilliant working relationship where we designed and built a multi-product design system together.

Joe and I worked together building products at Fantastec. As a designer, one of my roles is to bring people together in the journey to create a better experience for users and customers, and I was happy to find that Joe was already concerned with that point from the start. Joe is meticulous and thinks forward keeping in mind how code could scale, but also knows when to compromise so that things get done. He has a good taste for what good interactions look / feel like and is a great person to be with when you're ideating or designing.

If you need a person that knows what they're doing and also understands that all layers of a project must come together to deliver something great, Joe is your guy!

Andrew Barker

Andrew is a full-stack tech-lead. We worked together at Fantastec during the early stages of the company where we were jointly responsible the initial architecture several products and were instrumental in hiring and scaling the engineering team.

I have been very lucky to work with Joe who is an exceptional developer. He was hired to lead front end development for a new project and immediately improved practices and functionality from day one. Joe has an incredible grasp on the latest front end technologies and is always looking for ways to improve not only the product but the technology used.

As a colleague of Joe's he was always will to take the time to share ideas, teach you and be shown different parts of the stack to better his understanding of the product. He would be an invaluable member of any team.

Catherine Oddy

Catherine is a user experience designer. We worked together at Goodlord between 2017 and 2018 where we frequently designed and iterated on features together.

Joe and I worked together on a squad addressing the needs of users in the property rental space. He is an excellent collaborator and problem solver. His contribution was unmatched at every step in the process - from ideation to code to iteration. He's the first to volunteer to unpick a particularly difficult problem and operates with a user-centric attitude in his solutions. Additionally, he will always offer to get the team coffee when he's going to get one for himself what more can you ask for?

Andrea Magnorsky

Andrea is a senior software engineer and I worked under her for around 9 months at Goodlord. We worked very closely together designing features and improvements to the core Goodlord platform.

Joseph is a great person to work with. He has excellent technical capabilities and gets the job done. He is also curious, dedicated and reacts in an excellent way to feedback.

It was a pleasure to work with Joseph in our squad at Goodlord. He has the respect of his peers and technical lead. It would be great to work with Joseph again.

Michael Leung

Michael is a backend software engineer and I worked with him at Goodlord during 2017 and 2018. We were on the same squad for around 9 months where we frequently pair-programmed and designed features and solutions together.

Joseph is one of the most conscientious, thoughtful and capable developers I've had the pleasure of working with. We've been on the same team for a little over 9 months and I've found that his attention to detail and consistent diligence and enthusiasm have been a huge asset to the cohesion of the team and the quality of our code.

One of his best characteristics is his ability to collaborate. He has an open ear for other opinions and proposals and a deliberate way of communicating that effectively conveys his views and mediates discourse. An outstanding partner to pair program with, his attention to detail results in issues being caught well ahead of time. He has a great work ethic and laser-sharp focus which shows in the excellent quality of his independently written code - an example of which is the front-end framework he authored, Helix.

Joseph is a fantastic presence in the workplace, instinctively standing up for what's best for the product and relentless in doing his part for the team. He is naturally sociable and a frequent face at out-of-work gatherings. Always willing to offer a hand in help whether it be for a code review, pairing or even for some heavy lifting or candidate interviews, his natural charisma and accommodating personality brighten up the workplace and his keen eye for detail and natural talent as a developer have reaped huge benefits for our product. He will be sorely missed but I wish him all the best in the future and hope that we might work together again.

Francesca Malpass

Francesca is a product manager and I worked with her at Goodlord between 2016 and 2018. I worked with Francesca closely when we were both part of the same small, agile delivery squad aimed at tackling a core business focus for around 6 months. Prior to that, we worked together as part of a larger team focussed on re-platforming the Goodlord system over the course of just over a year.

Joseph is an excellent engineer and colleague. Not only is he extremely talented as a developer, his passion for solving problems and applying his skills extends beyond coding. Joseph always keeps the user at the forefront of his work, consistently demonstrating and applying his empathy towards users and knowledge of the problem-areas and industry.

Joseph is a fantastic person to have on your team, to bounce ideas off, and he's never scared to challenge an idea or make suggestions. His consistency in demonstrating these qualities throughout the time I have worked with him has compounded my trust and respect for him.

I wish Joseph luck in all of his future endeavours and hope that I have the opportunity to work with him again.

Brooke Balza

I worked with Brooke at Commusoft in 2016 where she joined as a junior frontend engineer. I helped train Brooke through pair programming, code reviews and regular 1-to-1s. Brooke achieved an outstanding amount in the short 6 months we worked together and I learnt a lot during our time together.

I couldn't have asked for a better manager and mentor for my first role in development at Commusoft than Joe. His passion and talent for front-end design and UX are clear in everything he does.

Joe's been a brilliant teacher, able to explain and illustrate ideas in different ways if I wasn't sure I fully understood a concept. Whenever there's something I'm struggling with, Joe is always more than happy to help resolve the issue. Because of his willingness to work through the problems together, I've become a much better developer much more quickly than I otherwise would have.

Joe clearly cares about developing the skills of the people on his team and is more than willing to share what he knows. I'm going to miss Joe immensely, and would love to work with him again in the future.

Callum Hart

Callum is a senior front-end engineer and designer. I worked directly under him at Commusoft as a junior engineer for the best part of 2 years. I helped Callum design and develop an large CRM platform encompassing many complex features such as calendar / diary management, purchase order creation and invoicing. I frequently pair-programmed with Callum where he taught me how to build complex user interfaces using Angular and LESS. After Callum left Commusoft, I took over full responsibility over the front-end Angular project, as well as a internal administration platform written in Backbone with Coffeescript.

Joseph is a Front-end Engineer you want on your team. I had the pleasure of working with him at Commusoft for nearly two years. He joined as a junior front-end developer and quickly impressed. I was immediately struck by his motivation, ability to learn, and healthy attitude to feedback and collaboration.

Joseph's ability to grasp the problem in hand is second to none. A methodical, detail-orientated, and user-centric approach see him consistently solve complex technical and design tasks with ease.

Joseph's commitment to open-source is a testament to his unwavering dedication to self-improvement. Some of his most notable projects to date: Helix, Twine and sparkdown are great examples of this.

Personally, Joseph is an absolute delight to work with. Quietly confident, always curious, and super passionate about what he does, his motivation and energy is contagious. I highly recommend Joseph, and hope we work together again.